There are a number of ways to break the cycle of reccuring constipation – such as a healthy diet, good toilet habits,39 the right treatment such as Duphalac®, 4 and regular exercise.39 In fact, light exercise like yoga can help improve your bowel habits.45
Science has proven that yoga is a great way to support digestive health by relaxing the mind and body and increasing blood flow to the gut.45 One of the well-known benefits of yoga is reducing stress,45 which contributes to constipation.
Experts from the Yoga Institute have developed a yoga routine to help you manage constipation.46 These are simple poses that you can easily integrate into your daily life – either alone or with your loved ones – to kick-start healthy living habits and restore your digestive health.
This is an effective breathing exercise whereby the abdominal muscles are exercised, and movement of the belly helps to improve the digestive system. Regular practice of pranayama IV can help to overcome other ailments such as stomach disorders, insomnia, acidity and reduce belly fat.46
Vajrasana offers uniform postural fixity and helps correct postural defects. It improves blood circulation to the abdominal region – helping to improve digestion. Beneficial in various conditions such as chronic constipation, stomach disorders and digestive problems. It can enable flexibility of lower limbs, strengthen digestive organs and the digestive tract. It is considered as one of the best yoga asanas (positions) for constipation and indigestion.46
This pose is effective and beneficial for improving the function of the digestion system. This yoga asana can strengthen the abdominal muscles and clean the digestive tract. Used to relieve constipation and indigestion problems.46
This pose helps to strengthen back muscles and reduce stress. It stimulates the abdominal viscera and organs to aid better digestion.46
Pavanamuktasana is effective for removing gases and improving the digestive system, it is considered the ideal yoga pose for constipation and indigestion. This posture gives relief to flatulence by quickening the movement and expulsion of the intestinal flatus, providing relief in cases of chronic constipation and/or a sluggish liver. 46
An excellent asana for constipation and digestive disorders. The deep intra-abdominal compression massages the abdominal viscera and provides relief in conditions related to constipation, weak digestion, and/or a sluggish liver. This pose can also strengthen and stimulate the back muscles and the abdominal organs.46
This asana strengthens the abdominal organs. Those suffering from gas and digestion problems should practice Dhanurasana regularly. This pose can help prevent disease by aiding elimination through intra-abdominal pressure.46